
GivingTuesday is a Movement that Unleashes the Power of Radical Generosity Around the World.

GivingTuesday reimagines a world built upon shared humanity and generosity.

Our global network collaborates year-round to inspire generosity around the world, with a common mission to build a world where generosity is part of everyday life.

Whether it’s making someone smile, helping a neighbor or stranger out, showing up for an issue or people we care about, or giving some of what we have to those who need our help, every act of generosity counts, and everyone has something to give.

What does the world look like if GivingTuesday succeeds?

Our Vision

We pursue radical generosity, defined by the transformational powers of empathy and solidarity, not a series of transactions or discrete interactions. Radical generosity creates a world in which the collective recognition of humanity fundamentally respects what each of us can give, receive, and learn from one another. If we were to arrive at any destination, having fulfilled our mission, that world would be built upon a foundation of shared humanity. Generosity is uplifting, generative, equalizing, and connecting. We believe that each and every act of generosity is a worthy act in and of itself. In this work, generosity is the primary means and the primary end : GivingTuesday unleashes generosity to drive generosity. Generosity is GivingTuesday’s universal rallying cry and the foundation of our strategies.
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How does GivingTuesday fulfill its vision?

Our Mission

Across six continents, hundreds of thousands of leaders and millions of people work together to change, and in many cases, transform their communities for the better. The GivingTuesday nucleus supports that local impact through networked leadership development in communities around the world; storytelling and strategic communication that uplifts the impacts of generosity; the deployment of human, financial, and social capital to and throughout the movement; and ultimately, the global ritualization of generosity, which has dramatically increased the rate at which people give and volunteer worldwide. GivingTuesday is invested in communities around the globe with a mandate to propel generosity across every culture, continent, and context.

Our Values

Our Hubs


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